Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce

The Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce is a private membership organization. It unites business and professional individuals and firms, creating a central agency that lends itself to improving business and building a better county.

The mission of the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce is to plan, develop, implement, and support programs and policies designed to improve the economic and business climate of the Greater Port Clinton area.

The general membership of the chamber elects a twelve member Board of Directors for a three-year term. This body sets chamber policies and identifies priorities for addressing the needs of the Port Clinton Area business community. An Executive Committee is elected from the board, which consists of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Past Chairman and Treasurer. The board employs a professional staff to be responsible for carrying out the chamber's program of work and administrative functions of the chamber office.

The working structure of the Chamber of Commerce consists of several committees who, with volunteer members, are able to accomplish the Chamber's goals.

Any individual or business who is interested in the economic well-being of the community may apply for membership in the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce. Applications for membership are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.